Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Frightening day

My wife made it to her 33 week OB visit on Wednesday of last week. Everything was fine at the visit. Her blood pressure was fine, or low enough to not raise alarm. Thursday, when I called to see how she was doing before I came home from work, she said that "Today is not a good day." I asked her what was wrong, and she said that she was not feeling well, but nothing unusual. I told her that I was going to be late getting home because my phone was not working properly, and I needed to get it fixed. After getting my phone looked at, I called my wife from my new phone to let her know I would be coming home soon since my phone was fixed. I got home, cooked dinner, and began to clean up the kitchen so that my wife and I could watch I program that she recorded that she thought I would find humorous. I told my wife to wait until I finished cleaning up, and I would be in.

She sat down, and started to forward to the program, and then complained of a cramping sensation, so I asked was it her uterus to which she replied, "Yes." I resumed my kitchen work, and my wife said, "Oh God." in a very quiet voice that just did not sound right, so I went to check on my wife, and I found her with all of her muscles tensed in a fully elongated state. I tried to grab her hand, but could not. After a few seconds, her entire body went limp, and she was totally nonresponsive. I tried to get her attention, but could not, so I immediately called 911. The ambulance got there really quick, but it seemed like a lifetime had passed before they arrived.

When they arrived, my wife was regaining conciousness, and could tell the paramedics that she was in pain, and answer most of the questions that they asked her. She seemed stable while riding in the ambulance until we got to the main highway at which point she had another seizure, and the ambulance rushed her to the nearest hospital.

On the ride to the hospital, I called my mother in law to let her know what was going on. She was on her way from Bible study, and outside of Tuscaloosa when I called. I told her that we were on our way to the hospital where my wife's gynecologist was located. She said that she was going to meet us there.

After the second seizure, my wife was hooked up to several machines to monitor her vitals. When they took her blood pressure, it was through the roof. I remember seeing the top number at 215, and I felt entirely helpless. I did not know what was wrong with my wife, or how my two baby girls were doing with all of the things going on around them.

It seemed like my in-laws arrived just in time because somehow they arrived at the hospital in what seemed like 15 minutes from the time that we arrived. They stated to me, that I should not worry because they had prayed about it, and that my wife was healed, and our two baby girls were going to be fine. They both sat with me as the doctors announced that my wife had bleeding in her brain, and there was nothing that could be done at this hospital. Amazingly, the twin girls that my wife was carrying were seemingly unscathed by anything going on around them. Their heart rates were normal, and all there vitals looked excellent. The hospital called around and there were two hospitals capable of taking my wife's case.

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